Get Food
Need food?
If you are hungry or low on food, we may be able to help. Our food pantry provides fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy, eggs, bread, personal care items, pet food, and a varity of non-perishable foods to people who meet the Food Pantry income guidelines and live in (or have children currently enrolled in) the Silver Falls School District (which includes Silverton and parts of other surrounding areas, including Scotts Mills, Mt. Angel, Salem and more).
To get food from the SACA food pantry, you must:
1. Live in or have children currently enrolled in the Silver Falls School District
If you aren't sure whether the school your child attends is part of the Silver Falls School District, call us at 503.873.3446 and we can help figure it out. You can also use the district map button above to figure out if you live in the Silver Falls School District.
2. Meet the income guidelines
Your total household income has to be at or less than the amount listed in the chart on the right for the number of people in your household -- total household income is the amount of money everyone who lives with you gets each month (or each year)
If you get SNAP, TANF, SSI, or LIHEAP and you live in or have a child/children enrolled in the Silver Falls School District, you can get food at SACA (even if your income is higher than the amount listed in the chart).
If you have questions, please contact us or come in to our office.
If you don't live in or have a child/children enrolled in the Silver Falls School District or if your income is too high, you may be able to get food at another food pantry. Click on the button below to see a list of food pantries and community meals in your neighborhood. If you do not see any pantries near where you live, call us at 503.873.3446 for help finding a pantry in your area.
Schools in the Silver Falls School District include:
- Bethany Charter School
- Butte Creek Elementary School
- Central Howell Elementary School
- The Community Roots School
- Evergreen Elementary School
- Mark Twain Elementary School
- Pratum Elementary School
- Robert Frost Elementary School
- Scotts Mills Elementary School
- Sequoia Falls Academy
- Silver Crest Elementary School
- Silverton High School
- Silverton Middle School
- Victor Point Elementary School
2024 Food Pantry Income Guidelines
Household Size | Income (Monthly) | Income (Annual) |
1 | $3,765 | $45,180 |
2 | $5,110 | $61,320 |
3 | $6,455 | $77,460 |
4 | $7,800 | $93,600 |
5 | $9,145 | $109,740 |
6 | $10,490 | $125,880 |
7 | $11,835 | $142,020 |
8* | $13,180 | $158,160 |
*For each additional member, add $1,345 per month or $16,140 per year.
Where and when to find us
421 S Water St
Silverton, OR 97381
Come see us in the community center building
Monday: 11:00am-2:00pm
Tuesday: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday: CLOSED
Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect?
You can enter through the door at the bottom of the ramp on the front (street side) of the building. Our line starts in the hallway to the right of the elevator. Please wait until 30 minutes prior to opening to form a line - this allows us to safely move through the lobby and hallway spaces with food to restock the pantry prior to opening. Thank you!
When you arrive, please check in with the Intake Coordinator at the desk. If you have a Link2Feed card, please bring it to help with check in. If you do not have a Link2Feed card, you may need to be added to the Link2Feed database.
When you come to SACA for the first time, we’ll ask you some basic questions about you and the people who live with you. We’ll ask for your name and address (if you don’t have an address, that’s okay!) and also ask you to tell us if you meet the income guidelines. We don’t ever ask for photo ID or proof of income when you come to SACA for food.
If you qualify to get food, you’ll be able to shop through our pantry for a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, dairy, meat, eggs, and a variety of canned and boxed goods. We often have personal care items like shampoo, toilet paper, and toothpaste, too. You can to come to SACA for what you and your family need—everything is always free and you are welcome to come back during our pantry hours when you need more.
If you prefer not to come inside to shop, you are welcome to call us at 503.873.3446 to place an order and we will bring it out to you in the parking lot.

How do I get food from SACA?
After you check in at the desk in our office, you can use one of our carts to shop through the pantry. We typically have bags available for you, but we recommend you bring your own as we cannot guarantee we will always have bags available. We have freezers, refrigerators, shelves, and racks stocked with a variety of items for you to choose from. Some items have limits (based on the number of people in your household), while you can take what you need of others. Once you've chosen all the items you need, you can take your cart out to the parking lot to unload. Please bring the carts back after you have unloaded them so others can use them to shop.
If you would prefer order ahead, you may call us at 503.873.3446 anytime (leave a message if we don't answer and we'll call you back to get your order). We will take your order over the phone and schedule a pick up time with you. At your scheduled pick up time, call us to let us know you have arrived. Once your order is filled, staff or volunteers will bring your items to you in the parking lot.

Do I need to bring anything?
Not necessarily.
You do not need to bring any ID or proof of income to get food.
If you already have a Link2Feed card, please bring it with you to help with check in. If you do not have a Link2Feed card, you may need to be added to the Link2Feed database.

What if I can't come in to SACA myself?
Whether you are temporarily unable to come to SACA due to illness, schedule conflicts, or you have a longer term need due to a disability/longer illness, you are able to choose someone as an authorized representative for your household. This person is able to come visit SACA for you with the permissions you give to them and to SACA using our authorized representative form. You may fill out a form in our office, or you may print one by clicking the button below and fill it out at home.
In some circumstances, we may be able to deliver food to you. If this is something you are interested in, please call us at 503.873.3446 to schedule a delivery and place your order.
We currently offer deliveries on Tuesday afternoons, and we ask that those who are requesting a delivery call on Monday (or before) to schedule a delivery. We often cannot accommodate a same-day delivery request.
*Deliveries are only available as staff schedules allow and on a limited basis. You may need to make other arrangements if we are unable to deliver.

Need other help?
SACA may be able to help pay for things like rent, utilities, medical/dental costs, propane, gas, and bus tickets. We can sometimes help pay for other things, too.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
SACA participates in a USDA program.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (AD-3027) found online at: and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.